Depression: Alone With Him

In the world’s madness, lies a battle within the minds of all African-Americans that no one can comprehend. How do we heal? How can we be restored? Who do we turn to when no one knows, or can even understand, how deep this hurts? There is only One I can turn to in this depression.


Laid prostrate before you
Weighted world pounding my head
No amount of sleep
Giving rest on midnight’s bed

Peacefulness has left me
Depression’s setting in
Few friends have come to call
Yet darkness soon descends

Silent, cries are stifled
Healing distances itself
But, The Spirit within me bursts
As another sista sheds her tears

Woman esteemed, now empty
Voice raised to appeal Black pain
I’m moved to share her moments
23 minutes is all it takes

Now, laid prostrate before You
Weighted world pounding my head
Alone With Him* plays softly
To guide my whispered prayers

A vision of our Savior Yahushua
Carrying a cross He needn’t bear
A weighted world upon His shoulders:
Man’s selfishness creates despair

I pour my heart out before You
Seeing Your faithful love so pure
The words swell deep within me
And I know I must endure

Spoken tongues edify me through prayer,
Breaking chains that ache head and heart
Waving goodbye to sadness
As darkness now departs

A talk with Him cures everything
Though world still lies in pain,
When I sit alone with Him
I find strength to fight again…


*The prayer and worship instrumental, Alone With Him by Brandon Roberson, which was an inspirational background for this poem. Visit for additional poems, articles and works by LaShanna.